Early Analogue

In the Darkroom

Working in the labs for the first time while attending the Art Academy of Cincinnati in the mid-70s, was a life-changer. It led me to work as a lab assistant for Nancy Rexroth, Photography Professor at Wright State University while I completed my BFA. Wright State also provided advanced processing, including color. The University of California, Irvine unfortunately did not have a working photo lab, so I focused on printmaking when I attended 1982-4.


As an undergrad and grad student, I used a Yasica Mat and have yet to go through the archives to properly scan the 120 color and B&W film. Here are just two that I have large enough in resolution size to post.The recurring genre was still life, although approached in nontraditional composition of which I had been exposed to yet in the color world. It was a playful, industrious time.